Abdalla Fadlalla Azrug
Agriculture and Marine Resources Affairs, Bahrain
Title: Clinical Studies on the Prevalence of Common Intestinal Nematodes and Cestodes in Domestic Pigeons (Columba livia) in Some Pigeons Farms in Bahrain.
Biography: Abdalla Fadlalla Azrug
This study was carried out during the daily routine complains and checking up for the diagnostic tests done for samples received from some local domestic pigeon farms in Bahrain. The study was conducted throughout 2017 from records of tested samples at the Veterinary Laboratory purposed for determining, the species and intensity of intestinal parasites detected during the yearly routine samples examinations. A total of 31 domestic pigeons (19 females and 12 males) were tested. The sexes differentiation was recognized through post mortem necropsy by obsrving the developed left ovaries in females and testicles in male pigeons. Domestic pigeons are kept in closed cages and semi-closed backyard small farms in Bahrain where the domestic pigeons production is growing as small scaled commercial purposes and consumptive proteins source or social tourist.